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IPhone settings

  1. Go to Settings > Accounts & Passwords and tap Add Account. If you're using iOS 10.3.3 or earlier, go to Settings > Mail > Accounts and tap Add Account.
  2. Tap Other, then tap Add Mail Account.
  3. Enter your name, email address, password and description
  4. Tap Next, your iphone will attempt to locate the mail server settings but will fail
  5. Click done - see Advanced settings below

Advanced settings

  1. Go back to the email account that you created
  2. See below

SMTP settings

  1. Tap the SMTP option (
  2. Tap the Primary Server (
  3. Confirm the username and password have been set correctly
  4. Turn on SSL
  5. Confirm the Port is 993

Incoming settings

  1. Tap the Advanced option
  2. Tap the SSL option (turn on)
  3. Confirm the port number is 993